Creating a compiler for a subset of Pascal in Rascal - Prologue
Motivation & Goals
In my Compiler Construction class at the University of Groningen, we made a compiler for a (very limited) subset of Pascal to a subset of C that is meant to simulate some assembly, which we left unoptimized. I thought it would be cool to extend this by:
- Expanding upon the subset of Pascal
- Targeting a lower level language
- Performing optimizations on the generated code
Futhermore, in my Software Language Engineering class (same university), we learnt about a very cool meta-programming langauge called Rascal (more on this below). I thought it would be a fun project to implement the compiler in this language.
So what is the target language? Somewhat arbitrarily, I have chosen LLVM's IR. I thought it makes for a nice trade-off between portability and fun-factor (i.e: it's still relatively low level). Additionally, I don't believe there is any library in Rascal for this purpose, so perhaps I can make a nice contribution, in this regard.
The code for the repository can be found here.MiniPascal
The subset of Pascal we will parse is called 'MiniPascal' or 'MiniPas'. It allows for:
- Global function / procedure delcarations
- Basic control flow (loops / conditional)
- Integer / real types, as well as arrays of the two types
Indeed, this is quite limited! But it will suffice, I think, to show various interesting features. The full grammar and semantics will follow in later blog posts.
What is Rascal?
Rascal is a imperative / functional programming language intended to make it easy to create tools (such as compilers / type checkers / etc.) for Domain-Specific Languages. It comes with a lot of features that would usually be provided by a library and has very nice syntax.
I won't go over all the details here, as I intend to explain syntactic details / ideas as I write my posts. Some highlights however:
- Built-in support for defining lexical syntax / grammars
- Imperative-style functions
- Haskell-style function definitions
- A deep standard library
- Easy traversal objects made of Abstract Data Types
- Strong support for pattern-matching
If the last two points, are unclear, do not worry. It's a bit easier to demonstrate, than to describe succintly (for your humble author).
Thanks to the Compiler Construction team for defining MiniPas :)
I'm merely a 4th year BSc student, so perhaps a lot of what I will be writing (both in terms of prose, as well as code) will be utter garbage. Please bear with me >:)
Certainly, I am no expert in Rascal, nor compiler construction. This is simply a blog post for my friends to read. If you have any corrections, please contact me, I'm very open for feedback.